Since, PR is now considered an integral part of the entire communication process across the world, and is also being favored as the career of choice with a rapid rate of growth globally, therefore for the benefit and understanding of the young ‘blah-gen’, here is a list down as to what PR pros do:
1. We shape the debate.
By winning the heart and minds of public through identifying the knowledge level of the consumers, understanding strengths and weaknesses, and using public relations channels to inform through a variety of means and communicate the message across to the public of the brand. This also encompasses image management of brands and clients, where we mould consumer perceptions towards a brand by generating a positive outlook regarding it.
2. We research.
Knowing how to design and execute a research plan is a crucial element of the job, inferring valuable consumer insights through the raw data, helps us develop the right content and also build a perfect strategy to execute. Research also includes monitoring competitor brands, creating media monitoring reports with regards to your clientele brand exposure, as well as the frequency with which your client, as compared to the competitor, is being showcased through various mediums.
3. We write.
After identifying the key messages, we develop fact sheets, news releases, media pitches, position papers, PowerPoint presentations, op-ed pieces, web copy, blog posts, etc. Another crucial aspect is writing client advertorials, reviews, research driven testimonials, CSR articles and event based releases.
4. We find advocates.
It is our job to reach out to friends and form alliances for our clients, and figure out ways they could work together. We also find and train advocates to build a good rapport of our clients’ brands/products/services in the target market segments. PR has a lot to do with connection building and even peer networking, be it through word of mouth or a traditional communication channel; our responsibility includes constantly creating and sustaining advocates who are always present in different situations/surroundings, and who will help in creating a positive buzz about the brand they are advocating.
5. We talk to the media.
Our job is to interact with the media, form long-lasting bonds, and to think of as many angles as possible for promotion, we usually end up trying to pitch our stories to our friends in the media according to the respective beats and interests. The main idea is to explore as many media opportunities as possible for extensive image building and publicity.
6. We plan special events.
To pitch to reporters and local & national media, we plan and execute media events, product launches, press conferences, media briefings and tours to establish credibility of the brands/products/services.
7. We manage crisis situations.
In case of bad press, negative publicity, incident, misrepresentation of views, malign attempt on the public image, controversies, threatening issues, we manage the crisis situation and fire fight to protect the integrity and the image of the brand. We also develop contingency plans, in order to meet with such incidents and are highly adaptable to the situation at hand. Crisis management can be considered as yet another very important part of our job description. Our clients’ competitors, companies and many a time even the media has their eyes on certain things the client is doing, and it is our job to project and protect the image of the client.
8. We tell the truth.
Sometimes, in the heat of the moment, it’s tempting to skip, make assumptions, and push the button before the facts are checked. Sometimes the client demands to do things that may push the boundary of the truth. But we are the ones who always believe in truth and promulgate it on multiple levels. Although, we might like to add a little spin to it, just to create some interest; essentially our job is to tell the truth and to tell it in a manner that would help in creating a positive vibe around the client, and also to help the general public understand what the client is trying to do.
9. We educate ourselves continuously.
PR Professionals are supposed to be articulate, well read, and deeply rooted with the subject matter they represent. We have to keep up on current events, read the newspaper, and know about what’s going on in the world. Therefore, in this dynamic age, we keep ourselves on the edge and maintain a steady learning channel.
10. We innovate and utilize new media tools.
A PR professional can do a much effective job in any industry with the help of new tools and advent of technology. PR 2.0 is one such example, where, the web and social networking sites and applications have become the new media, and are being heavily engaged by the PR junkies of the world. Our work demands constant upgradation with PR tools, case studies, techniques and innovations in the field, because when your job is to make the client look good, you need to know how to do it differently every time .
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